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Artist Zhou Chunya & Tahota Law Firm Jointly Contribute to Benign Development of Five Colours Foundation

2010-10-15 Views:926

Recently, an agreement has been formally entered into among Tahota Law Firm, the Pastiche Zhou Chunya and his 5 Colours Foundation subordinated to Chengdu Foundation for Disabled Persons and Zhou Chunya Art Academy of Shanghai, under which the Tahota Law Firm shall provide Zhou Chunya and the institutions established by him with long-term legal services. This is a magnanimous act undertaken again by Tahota for charity with its knowledge and profession on law.

The 5 Colours Foundation subordinated to Chengdu Foundation for Disabled Persons was founded by Zhou Chunya, which is mainly engaged in charity utility. The basic funds are donated annually by the founder Zhou Chunya and those volunteering to provide a long-term teaching, exhibition and art exchange platform for disabled people through reasonable raise of social donation and collection of social resources and philanthropic capital. The foundation hopes the art could be able to sooth the soul of the disabled, inspire their creative spirit, assist with their life skills and encourage them to pursue their true life value.

The Tahota Law Firm always devote itself to the charity utility by adhering to the concept of serving people and contributing to society. Besides, the socially responsible Tahota layers also make a modest means to take part in the mission of 5 Colours Foundation in a unique way with their juridical personality, hoping to promote social harmony, offer legal aid for the disadvantaged groups and make joint efforts to the bright future of the foundation and peace and prosperity of China and its people.
