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Tahota Lawyers Participated in Inauguration Ceremony of

2019-12-09 Views:4870

       In the afternoon of December 8, 2019, Inauguration Ceremony of "The Belt and Road Initiative" Lawyer Alliance (BRILA) was held in Guangzhou. Xiong Xuan’guo and Liu Zhiqiang - Deputy Ministers of Ministry of Justice, a party of founding members of  "The Belt and Road Initiative" Lawyer Alliance (BRILA) and lawyers from across the world, nearly 300 lawyers’ representatives from various countries attended the ceremony.

       Fu Zhenghua - Minister of Ministry of Justice attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. Fu Zhenghua pointed out that, in 2013, President Xi Jinping proposed a major initiative to jointly build "The Belt and Road Blueprint". In the past 6 years, the initiative has changed from just a vision to the reality, as well as received high recognitions and positive responses from the international community. And this initiative has also become the road to promote common development, realize common prosperity and achieve win-win cooperation, as well as the path to enhance mutual understanding and trust, strengthen all-round communication and push peaceful friendship. Actually, the legal system has been an important guarantee for the construction of "The Belt and Road Initiative". And lawyers’ group is an important force in China’ legal construction. Chinese lawyers will work with the peers throughout the world altogether to create more new opportunities and open up more new spaces for future development. And the foundation of "The Belt and Road Initiative" Lawyer Alliance (BRILA) has marked the establishment of the new platform for lawyers' services under the background of "The Belt and Road Initiative", symbolized the international exchanges and cooperation entered into a whole-new stage in this circle, as well as unfolded one new chapter in the participation and construction of global legal system.

       Lawyer Cheng Shoutai - Chief Partner of Tahota Law Firm, Lawyer Shen Zhijun - Member of Management Committee of Tahota Law Firm & Executive Director of Beijing Office, Lawyer Cheng Shaoming - Director of Tahota (Washington) Law Firm, Lawyer John Carter Esq – Partner of Tahota Law Firm, Marc Mr. Gianni Chiarella - Partner of Tahota (Sydney) Law Firm and Lawyer Kusum Saakha - Director of Tahota (Nepal) Law Firm also attended the ceremony.

       "The Belt and Road Initiative" Lawyer Alliance (BRILA) is a non-governmental and non-profit international social community formed voluntarily by a variety of bar associations, legal institutions and individual lawyers from different countries and regions, aiming to establish a series of exchange and cooperation platforms cored by lawyers in countries and regions connecting with "The Belt and Road Initiative", organize various activities, such as international conference, inspection, training, establish a series of supporting daily communication and coordination mechanisms among lawyers associations, law firms, lawyers and alliances from different countries and regions related to "The Belt and Road Initiative", as well as explore and discuss relevant key issues and hot legal issues for the purposes of providing necessary legal-service supports for "The Belt and Road Initiative" and further pushing the continuous improvement of economic and trade rules within the regions benefited by "The Belt and Road Initiative"..
