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Mr. Cheng Shaoming, Director of Tahota Law Firm (Washington), Obtained the US Supreme Court Lawyer License

2019-08-20 Views:3654

       Recently, Mr. Cheng Shaoming, Director of Tahota Law Firm (Washington), obtained the Lawyer License issued by US Supreme Court, and became one of the few Chinese lawyers qualified to appear before the U.S. Supreme Court. By this, Mr. Cheng had obtained lawyer licenses issued by six states and the lawyer license of several federal courts.

      The US Supreme Court, namely Supreme Court of United States, is the highest authority in the US judicial administration system and an important part of the well-known separation of powers in the United States. In the US legal system, the Supreme Court has the final interpretation of federal law, including the US Constitution, and all US courts must follow the decision made by the US Supreme Court.
