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Instruction to Laws for Investment in Ethiopia prepared by lawyers of Tahota Law Firm was officially published

2022-03-22 Views:3013

China and Africa have established communication for a long term, and have developed profound friendship and good cooperative relations. In recent years, with the successful convening of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation and continuous promote of the "Belt and Road" construction, more than 40 African countries have successively joined the Belt and Road Initiative, China and Africa have successfully launched multi-field cooperation and bilateral trade volumes have increased rapidly. Good investment prospect attracts more Chinese entrepreneurs to focus on Africa and regard Africa as a new attractive goal for entrepreneurs.

In order to help investors in Ethiopia and those intend to go to Ethiopia avoid and resolve legal risks in the process of investment, Shanghai University Law School and Tahota Shanghai Office jointly published the book "Instruction to Laws for Investment in Ethiopia", which includes translations of the relevant investment laws, labor laws, tax laws and Industrial Park Law of Ethiopia, so that readers can further understand relevant local laws and effectively avoid risks, resolve disputes, so as to achieve sustainable, smooth and satisfactory career development.

In order to better provide legal services for enterprises investing in Africa, Cai Jianyu (lawyer of Tahota Shanghai Office) has visited more than 20 African countries in five years. He has visited and investigated more than 30 Chinese enterprises and projects for the Belt and Road Initiative, has provided meticulous and professional legal services and expanded the business to East Africa. In addition, he founded the Sino-African Legal Exchange Center at Shanghai University jointly with others, and has continuously trained a team of African localized lawyers to provide one-stop legal services for enterprises going global under the Belt and Road Initiative.

As a comprehensive law firm based on China and extending to the world, Tahota has been considering "the issues on law for investment in East Africa" as one of the fields to be further researched. Compilation and publication of Instruction to Laws for Investment in Ethiopia is a powerful attempt of Tahota Law Firm, which reflects the determination that Tahota Law Firm applies the law to support the Chinese enterprises in Africa. In the future, Tohato will continue to present a series of books on law for investment in Africa, providing reference for Chinese enterprises under the Belt and Road Initiative to invest in Africa. Tahota believes that the publication of legal books on investment in Africa can promote the overseas law awareness of the Chinese enterprises; set up good foundations for international development of legal business; promote construction of China-Africa Community with a shared future.

