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Tahota Was Invited to “Chambers•Intelligeast” Chinese Law Firm Exchange Salon

2017-04-10 Views:3232

Recently, the 2017 “Chambers·Intelligeast”Chinese Law Firm Exchange Salon was held in Shanghai Culture Square in Huangpudistrict, Shanghai. Due to our outstanding legal service ability in relatedprofessional fields and excellent performance in the legal profession in China,Tahota was invited to this salon together with about 40 large-scale law firmsor regional professional firms from all over the country.    

During the salon, Mr. Li Chen, deputy editor ofChambers Asia-Pacific, and Mr. Hong Zuyun, chief executive of IntelligeastLegal-business Oriented New Media, introduced in details the professionalrating methods, submission and assessment, independent and objective rating ofChambers as a world famous professional legal rating agency, and Intelligeast’sbusiness philosophy, management as well as goals as a legal-business orientednew media to guests respectively.

During the interactive session, questions about howrating agencies ensure that their ratings are fair, objective and reasonablewere asked and answered. In addition, some reasonable rating suggestionsapplying to the development of Chinese law firms were put forward. During theexchange session, guests from various law firms had spirited exchanges andfully discussed about how can law firms have effective communication as well ascooperation with rating agencies and legal medium.

Entrusted by chief partner Cheng Shoutai, lawyer WangZhenhua, executive director of Shanghai office, took part in this salon onbehalf of Tahota law firm, and had spirited exchanges with other guests.
