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Ms. Huiyi Zhao from Stephenson Harwood & Lo Law Firm Visiting Tahota

2009-03-20 Views:21528

On March 9, 2009, Ms. Huiyi Zhao from Stephenson Harwood & Lo Law Firm came to Tahota Law Firm for visit and communication. Lawyer Chunyan Ma, a partner of Tahota, received this guest from Hong Kong.

Stephenson Harwood & Lo Law Firm was established in 1979 and it was a famous international law firm. Stephenson Harwood & Lo Law Firm was founded through joint venture of Lo & Lo and Stephenson Harwood LLP. Currently, it hired 100 employees including 40 lawyers most of whom had years of practice experience in the Far East. Stephenson Harwood & Lo Law Firm had abundant experience in extensive practice fields and its advantages covered the following fields: Company/commerce, foreign direct investment, banking and finance, financial service, litigation, shipping, intellectual property rights, property rights, taxation and private capital. In a harmonious atmosphere, Ms. Huiyi Zhao and lawyers of Tahota discussed a topic concerning listing financing in Hong Kong and preliminarily established future possible cooperation direction.
