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Real Estate & Construction

Tahota Law Firm is backed by rich expertise and a pool of talented lawyers in the practice sectorof real estate &construction.The business in thissectoris now jointly carried out by nearly 50 members including managing partners, professional lawyers, paralegals and secretaries of Tahota. Supported by hundreds of clients fromthe real estate sector, Tahota is the law firm that gained the largest market share of real estate in China.Our lawyers and legal team, with rich theoretical and practical experiences in land consolidation, real estate project M&A, project development and construction, project investment and financing, joint project development, investment attraction and operation of urban complex, engineering construction, can provide high-quality professional legal services for various clients.Adhering to the practice concept of "rigorous, professional, efficient", we strive to protect the legal interests of our clients to the maximum extent in every legal case, and safeguard the operation and management of our clients.

Main Service

  • Real estate investment and financing
  • Infrastructure construction
  • Project land consolidation
  • Whole-process legal affairs management of real estate development project
  • Whole-process legal affair management of construction project
  • Investment attraction and operation management for large premises
  • Customized legal management plans for special premisesprojects
  • Legal services in the field of premisesmanagement
  • Litigation and arbitration in the field of real estate
